Investing in your first real estate property might be one of the scariest things an entrepreneur or early professional might do. This manual is intended to provide practical real estate knowledge that can help investors or professionals from foreign countries to craft informed decisions and increase the probability of success in the USA. 


This manual is intended to help the participant understand the general terminology used in the Real Estate field, and to be capable of developing functional models to make or guide investments based on evidence.


The manual is aimed at investors and/or professionals who seek to understand the general dynamics of the Real Estate industry in the United States of America.


The investor and/or professional will be able to understand the general terminology used in Real Estate in the United States of America and generate a critical vision for making investment decisions in the Real Estate industry.


The investor will have the initial tools to understand the investment processes in the Real Estate field. Real estate agents will be able to broaden their spectrum of operation to make strategic alliances or expand their business.


· The rules and regulations to be studied are mostly based on the laws of the State of Texas. However, this orientation aims to create the basis for making investments in the United States of America.

· The content merges rigor and practice using academic research with insights from successful investors.

· Please subscribe to our YouTube channel for free resources (


This manual is designed to be downloaded electronically so that the student can study and learn at their own convenience.



My name is Jaime Bastida-Díaz. I created this workshop with the only objective to share tools that helped me as a developer and real estate investor. My current professional responsibility is as the CEO of CCI-Properties (; a real estate development company that operates in southeast Texas, USA. 

My entrepreneurial experience includes creating other companies in Mexico and USA in real estate, retail, construction, and education. Some of those ventures were acquired by other corporations; others continue operating. 

My areas of interest and research include Family Business, Entrepreneurship, Real Estate, Corporate Governance, and AI.

I hold a Bachelor of Electronics and Communications Engineering and a Master of Managerial Systems Engineering from the Iberoamerican University in Mexico City. An MBA from Rice University in Houston, Texas and a DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) from the University of Liverpool, UK.

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ABOUT THE MANUAL: The manual offers valuable actionable knowledge that can be immediately used in the field of real estate investments; it is grounded on practical resources used in the industry and provides formal academic resources.

ACCESS: The participant will lose access to this manual when reaching the month, starting from the date it was bought. Therefore, the participant will have access to the manual for one month.